Nice to see not only a reversal of truths, but a reversal of the tractor!!
I used to love tractors, but not any more. Now, I'm an ex - tractor fan.
Nice to see not only a reversal of truths, but a reversal of the tractor!!
I used to love tractors, but not any more. Now, I'm an ex - tractor fan.
since leaving the jws i have become more interested in finding out about other faiths.
here are a few of my findings.. lds: i just couldnt get my head around the mental gymnastics i would have to do to understand their doctrines and theology.
i attended their services twice.
I stumbled across a debate on YouTube yesterday, the topic being: "Is the Catholic church a force for good in the world?"
The Catholic Church makes the same claim that J.W.'s do - "We are the only true religion & directed by God."
Listen as both of the speakers who are against the motion, put the Catholic Church's "unsavoury" history under the spotlight.
The Catholic "defenders" in the video were like pea-shooters against sledge-hammers.
Not good viewing for faint-hearted Catholics.
Christopher Hitchens -
Stephen Fry -
Complete video -
it was pretty mundane for the most part, same songs, same outline.
the only new thing they added was the video at the end, where stephen lett speaks to the visitors and commends them for coming and recommends they go to jwdotorg and also start a bible study.
they also showed a bar graph with figures increasing every year for jws, memorial attendance and memorial partakers.
last night's memorial talk in my cong went into graphic gruesome details about the torture of jesus and how the stake killed people.
i mean medical level graphic description!
step by step details of each injury and how it killed!
An M.S. in a previous congregation gave a similar description with his Instruction Talk in the Ministry School about 15 years. It was downright stomach-churning!
so i posted yesterday.
my boyfriend and i have been living together for a year, and he went to the memorial tonight (sorry if that’s not what it’s called).
i told him i was upset he didn’t invite me but wasn’t going to tell him not to go because he hasn’t talked to his family for over a year.
Best advice; as long as he wants to remain a JW, you will not be considered a long-term prospect if you don't agree to joining his cult. Seriously consider planning your future without him now - because you will not be part of his!
Find someone who's not cult-indoctrinated.
it was pretty mundane for the most part, same songs, same outline.
the only new thing they added was the video at the end, where stephen lett speaks to the visitors and commends them for coming and recommends they go to jwdotorg and also start a bible study.
they also showed a bar graph with figures increasing every year for jws, memorial attendance and memorial partakers.
I won't spoil the story!
page 16, par.
18 carefully follow the latest directions.. do we faithfully follow the latest directions that jehovah has given us?
if so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past.
Berrygerry - the female in the WT illustration is dressed like an Amish compared to an elder's wife in my last congregation.
She was about 32 years old, had the looks and figure of a top model - and she knew it. In warm/hot weather, she'd wear clothing which looked as if it had been painted on - with as little paint as possible.
Likewise, our P.O./CoBE's wife took great delight in wearing very low cut tops in order to exhibit her large cleavage. Elder's wives are a law unto themselves.
feeling pressure to attend the memorial?.
as a former elder i write this response to hopefully help those genuinely feeling “guilt” before their god.
if you are a jehovah’s witness or an “ex-jw” (for example, disfellowshipped or lapsed), then i hope that this will be of help to you.
Fay Dehr - May your well-thought out words resonate with many ex/JW's whose minds are in turmoil at this time of year.
Especially, they should meditate and reason on this passage - "I hope that no one feels obligated to attend a public event when “your Father who looks on in secret” has not asked you to attend."
Then they can ask themselves, "Where in the Bible were non-anointed individuals instructed to attend as voyeurs, the memorial of Christ's death?"
Answer: nowhere. It's a solemn ritual exclusively to be attended by partakers who are members of the New Covenant. Spectators were not to be invited.
page 16, par.
18 carefully follow the latest directions.. do we faithfully follow the latest directions that jehovah has given us?
if so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past.
".....we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past. .....we will be quick to follow any new direction that Jehovah provides through his organization."
Does anyone else perceive a potential "new organizational arrangement" seed being planted in JW minds here - perhaps to be unveiled at the Annual Meeting?
If so, it's odds-on that it will be cash oriented.
page 16, par.
18 carefully follow the latest directions.. do we faithfully follow the latest directions that jehovah has given us?
if so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past.
Page 16, par. 18 Carefully follow the latest directions.
Do we faithfully follow the latest directions that Jehovah has given us? If so, we will not rely on always doing things the way we have done them in the past. Rather, we will be quick to follow any new direction that Jehovah provides through his organization.
Page 21, par. 19 Never should we forget that Jehovah requires wholehearted obedience and exclusive devotion.
Page 24 – An illustration to show that playing an “air guitar” is not a good way to show you are a JW.
PAGE 25 – An illustration showing a floozie wearing an immodest dress at the KH. Probably an Elder's wife!
Questions from Readers (at HQ!)
If an unmarried couple spend the night together under improper circumstances, would that constitute a sin meriting judicial action? YES!
Two witnesses not